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COVID-19 plans

Our COVID-19 Response Plan

Smart Solutions Rehab Group (SSRG) takes the current COVID-19 health situation incredibly seriously and as such has developed a response plan that clearly details how we are dedicated to supporting and maintaining our client’s health whilst doing our part in slowing down the spread of the virus.

The following information is both an update on our service delivery which has been developed in conjunction with the latest information from

In addition to this we want to assure you that all of the SSRG team are competent with the Disability Service Consulting Module on Supporting People to Stay Infection Free and that we are currently implementing these practices.

Important changes

Residential Aged Care Facilities

We are going to temporarily pause our services to RACFs according to the current government guidelines, assisting to protect our older Australians.

Clinic, Gym and Public Pool Services

We are going to temporarily relocate all clinic, gym and public pool services.

If you are receiving services onsite in our clinic or see one of our allied health staff at a community gym or public pool, you will receive a call this week from our administration team who will talk with you about alternative locations for these services or alternate models of service delivery such as telehealth.

Telehealth Ready

We are ready for the delivery of telehealth as part of our service delivery options this week via our Zoom and Coviu platforms. If you would like to try telehealth this week as an alternative to a home visit, please let our administration team know.

Home Visiting

Home visiting will be continuing as usual but with a few extra precautions.

It’s important that your allied health services can continue to come safely to you. SSRG has implemented a number of robust procedures and protocols so that your home visit experience is still valuable and well-managed. Please see the guidelines below that our team are adopting to keep you and your clinician well and still make progress towards your goals.

Service Delivery Guidelines

To reduce risk to you and others, our team have adopted the following practices.

1. Reduced physical contact

  • Avoid any physical contact
  • Avoid contact with frequently used surfaces
  • Limit items being circulated between environments

2. Increased Social Distancing

  • Social distancing outside of work which means cancelling all travel, limiting non-essential social contact and avoiding all large gatherings
  • Social distancing during the work day such as starting and finishing work from home, limiting physical contact with other team members, reducing number of home visits per day, relocation of clinic visits to home environments or other appropriate open outdoor space and relocation of gym and public pool services to home environments.

3. Screening

Prior to any service being booked, the SSRG administration team will ask you the following questions:

  • Are you or anyone in your household feeling unwell?
  • Have you or anyone in your household returned to Australia in the past 14 days?
  • Have you had extended or prolonged contact with anyone who has returned to Australia within the past 14 days?

Prior to any service being delivered or going into any client’s home, SSRG clinicians will ask you these same questions.

4. Adhering to Self-Isolation Procedures

  • Stay home if they have had recent close or prolonged contact with anyone who has entered the country in the last 14 days
  • Get tested and stay in self-isolation for two days if they have confirmed contact with anyone with COVID-19
  • Self-isolate for 14 days after re-entering the country

5. Increased hygiene procedures

  • Sneeze or cough into elbow or a tissue and then throw tissue in the bin and wash hands immediately
  • Wash hands for 20 seconds regularly throughout the day especially after blowing their nose, coughing or sneezing, going to the bathroom and before eating or preparing food
  • Carry hand sanitizer in places where they can’t easily wash hands
  • Avoid touching their face
  • Maintain 1.5 metre distance between clients and themselves
  • Stay home if unwell

6. Increased infection control procedures

To reduce risk, to you and others, this means our team have agreed to abide by recommended infection control procedures:

  • Wipe over frequently touched surfaces daily with single use disinfectant wipes while wearing gloves. They will dispose of wipes and gloves appropriately into a sealed plastic bag.
  • Surfaces cleaned will include high use areas – light switches, car surfaces, door handles, tables, toilets, basins, chairs, kitchen benches, reception benches
  • Steam cleaning daily fabric chairs that may be used by others where applicable 

7. Reporting

To reduce risk to you and others, this means our team will abide by government mandated reporting procedures:

  • Advising you if a member of our team has been diagnosed with COVID-19
  • Likewise, please advise us if you have been diagnosed with COVID-19

Frequently Asked Questions

If you prefer to continue with services but would rather this didn’t take place in your home

  • Discuss with your clinician and our administration team the other options for locations where services can be delivered. This may mean your local park, other large open areas, your front patio or our back yard

If you prefer to continue with services but would rather no face to face contact

  • This is no problem! We can arrange phone or video link services for your through our Zoom or Coviu platforms.


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