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Blog - Smart Solutions Rehab Group

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Autism and the Importance of Neurodiversity-Affirming Practice

By weareva | July 25, 2024

Understanding Neurodiversity In recent years, the neurodiversity movement has gained prominence. Coined by Australian sociologist Judy Singer in the 1990s, neurodiversity acknowledges and embraces neurological differences. These variations include how individuals interpret, process, and learn information. We can categorise people into two groups: Neurotypical: Individuals who think and process information in ways typical for their…

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Exercise Physiology AND Physiotherapy

By Smart Solutions | June 11, 2024

“Alone we can do so little but together we can achieve so much” Exercise physiology and physiotherapy within disability and age care rehabilitation complement each other effectively and prove to show significant benefits on expected outcomes for participants. The ICF framework emphasises a holistic view of health, considering not just the medical condition but also…

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Exercise physiologist helping a participant through clinical exercise interventions

5 Myths about Exercise Physiologists

By Smart Solutions | August 16, 2022

Accredited Exercise Physiologists (AEP’s) are university-qualified allied health professionals who design, deliver and evaluate safe and effective physical interventions for people with acute, sub-acute or chronic medical conditions, injuries or disabilities. AEP’s work across a vast spectrum of conditions in both public and private sectors, including neurological and disability sectors. AEPs can help people living…

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Woman doing physiotherapy exercises on the couch in her home

The importance of maintaining physiotherapy services during COVID-19

By Smart Solutions | January 31, 2022

Physiotherapy has long played an important role in maximising independence and optimising mobility. At the beginning of the pandemic, leading physiotherapists expressed concern that stay-at-home orders would lead to a significant decrease in physical activity and that this might result in higher instances of falls and decreased physical function in older Australians. These concerns reflect…

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Two people wrapping presents planning an inclusive Christmas

Planning an inclusive Christmas event – 4 important considerations

By Smart Solutions | December 22, 2021

Hosting an inclusive Christmas means recognising that everyone experiences Christmas differently. Every year the festive season can bring feelings of anticipation, excitement, and joy as we look forward to catching up with family and friends, taking a break from work, or heading off on holidays. However, it is important to remember that everyone’s experience of…

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Wheelchair photograph representing disability and social inclusion

Disability and social inclusion

By Smart Solutions | November 30, 2021

This Friday December 3 is International Day of Persons with Disabilities (IDPwD). IDPwD is observed annually by the United Nations and aims to promote the rights and wellbeing of people with disabilities and raise awareness of their experiences across every aspect of political, social, economic, and cultural life. What disability means Disability is a very…

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NDIS Support worker assists with capacity building for inclusion, participation and independence

NDIS capacity building for inclusion, participation and independence

By Smart Solutions | October 29, 2021

This week (Monday 25th October to Sunday 31st October) is OT Week 2021, and this year’s theme is participation, inclusion, independence. We have written before about the many ways in which Occupational Therapists help people with disability increase their participation in the community, experience greater inclusion, and live more independently. A big reason OTs are…

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Is telehealth right for me?

By Smart Solutions | September 29, 2021

The COVID-19 pandemic has propelled telehealth into public awareness as health professionals try to navigate travel restrictions and lockdowns while maintaining services. But telehealth has been around for some time and offers many benefits beyond continuity of care in uncertain times. In this month’s blog we answer all your telehealth questions so that you can…

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Hands showing chronic pain

Managing chronic pain

By Smart Solutions | July 30, 2021

Most, if not all, of us will experience periods of physical pain throughout our lives. Nerves carry signals from our body to our brain communicating there is a problem, and we experience these signals as pain. Pain serves an important purpose, as it is often a symptom of illness or injury. This means it usually…

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Multidisciplinary team of paper people high fiving

The benefits of working in a multidisciplinary allied health team

By Smart Solutions | June 29, 2021

A multidisciplinary team (MDT) is a group of professionals from different disciplines collaborating in the delivery of comprehensive patient care to optimise health outcomes for their client. Collaboration is key in the delivery of effective allied health services, as many clients have complex needs that can best be met through engaging a range of professionals…

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