In-home Allied Health services for your comfort
SSRG has a long history of effectively delivering in-home services because we understand that many clients feel most comfortable in a familiar and safe environment. Seeing your home environment also allows your therapist to better understand and assess your living arrangements by observing any access challenges, meeting your support systems, and generally developing a more holistic conception of your abilities, interests, and goals. It can also be useful for your therapist to observe you using your own furniture and equipment, and participating in important activities like cooking, gardening, or looking after your pets.
Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy, Speech Pathology, Exercise Physiology and other Allied Health Services can all be provided at home, facilitating:
- Ease of access
- Decreased travel time
- Practice of exercise/activities in their natural environment
- Customisation of Assistive Technology
- Customisation of Home Modifications
Therapists bring the required resources to the appointment, including:
- Assessment kits
- Trial equipment
- Therapy activities
- Gym equipment
- Handouts and resources
- Other technology and electronic devices as required to assist in delivering high-quality services
Visits are scheduled according to your needs, so as not to disrupt daily activities like showering, meals, day programs and other appointments you need to attend.