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NDIS - National Disability Insurance Scheme

What is NDIS?

The National Disability Insurance Scheme is a government initiative which takes a lifetime insurance approach to supporting people living with a disability. The scheme’s focus is on investing in people by providing the support they need at a young age and continuing this on throughout their lifetime.

The National Disability Insurance Scheme is currently providing support to about 250,000 Australians under the age of 65 years with a permanent and significant disability, their families and carers.

When does NDIS start on the Sunshine Coast?

NDIS has been progressively rolled out over Australia over the past 3 years. The rollout date for the Sunshine Coast is January 2019. See the NDIS rollout map for more information.

How do I know if I'm eligible for NDIS?

The NDIS website has a wealth on information and can assist you in knowing whether you are eligible for NDIS. See the NDIS assessment screening tool as your first place to start.

What type of services does Smart Solutions Rehab Group provide?

Smart Solutions Rehab Group can provide a range of services to support those with disabilities to live an ordinary life through maximising potential, reducing the impact of impairment and working towards individual goals.

Smart Solutions Rehab Group is fully registered for NDIS and can provide specific assistance in the following areas:

What if I'm not eligible for the NDIS?

Smart Solutions Rehab Group can still provide a range of services to you and work with you individually to reach your goals.  A number of alternative funding avenues can assist with these services including:

  • Medicare’s Enhanced Primary Care Program – every individual with a chronic disease (regardless of age) is eligible to received 5 x subsidised services through the EPC. EPC’s are available from your GP
  • Private Health Insurance (Extra’s) – many people have private health insurance that include extra’s which can be used for Allied Health services. Ask your insurer about what you are eligible for and the funding thresholds.

For more information, click on the links above or contact us today!

Please refer to the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) website for more information.

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